Harris Kyriakides
Harris Kyriakides


Where legal acumen meets innovative solutions

Criminal & Extraditions

Harris Kyriakides advises corporations and individuals on a wide range of criminal offences, focusing primarily on business and corporate crime.

Our clientele includes large local and multinational corporations and high-profile individuals, including company directors and entrepreneurs from Cyprus and abroad. Harris Kyriakides has grown an extensive network of contacts and close working relationships with lawyers around the world in order to ensure that our clients’ interests are protected in all jurisdictions in which they may face criminal exposure.

Our approach is clear, practical, and tailored to our clients’ interests and needs. We provide our clients with strategic legal advice from the early stages of investigation and prosecution until the full adjudication of the case.  At all times, we strive to deliver effective legal representation and protect our clients from any reputational consequences that can flow from criminal proceedings.

Our main areas of practice include white-collar crimes such as fraud, forgery, bribery, corruption and money laundering. Nonetheless, our firm is adept at providing services across the whole spectrum of criminal law, from serious criminal offences to road traffic offences. In cases where discretion and reputation management are crucial, we offer concrete and discreet advice along with a result-oriented litigation plan.

Extradition Law Cyprus and European Arrest Warrants

Harris Kyriakides has extensive experience in handling both international (extradition) and European arrest warrants cases. Our pioneering work in the field includes the first successful application in Cyprus for submission of four preliminary questions to the European Court of Justice regarding the interpretation of the Framework decision on the European Arrest Warrant.




Publications & Commentaries
European Arrest Warrant and the Fundamental Rights of the Requested Persons
16 August 2023 | 1 min read

Our partner, Georgina Athanasiou, writes in the Cyprus Law Review’s 1st issue of January-April 2023 titled: ‘European Arrest Warrant and the Fundamental Rights of the Requested Persons’

By Georgina Athanasiou

The forthcoming amendment of the Motor Vehicles and Traffic Act 1972 (86/1972)
13 February 2023 | 3 mins read

The European Parliament and the Council on 24 November 2021 adopted the Directive (EU) 2021/2118 aiming to modernise and amend the Directive 2009/103/EC relating to insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of - Read More...

7 December 2022 | 3 mins read

On 6 October, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) unanimously found that the extradition of a Taiwanese national to China, which Poland’s courts had cleared earlier, would place him at significant risk of ill-treatment, - Read More...

Medical negligence case study GA v Dr AP
23 November 2022 | 3 mins read

The court’s verdict was that there was medical negligence, due to which the plaintiff suffered an everlasting serious bodily injury but did not award damages for future wage loss.

Conference on “Unleashing the powers of the next day”
18 November 2022 | 1 min read

The European initiative Rechance Project by the Center for Social Innovation – CSI and the European University Cyprus organise a conference on “Unleashing the powers of the next day” for a more holistic social inclusion - Read More...

Third State convictions executed in EU Member States subject to an EAW
27 October 2022 | 2 mins read

Article 4(7)(b) deals with extra-territorial offences, and allows an executing state to refuse execution where the offence is committed out with the territory of the issuing state and the executing state does not allow prosecution - Read More...

Ne bis in idem in non-EU (“third”) states-Case Update-Criteria to refuse execution of European Arrest Warrant
19 October 2022 | 4 mins read

CJEU clarification in relation to the scope of the Ne Bis in Idem principle in third-country sentences. The CJEU gave its judgment[1] in relation to the interpretation of article 4(5) of the Framework Decision on - Read More...

Publications & Commentaries
The 1st edition of the Reintegration Guide of Released Persons
23 August 2022 | 1 min read

The Prisoners Rights Protection Cyprus prepared the 1st edition of the Reintegration Guide of Released Persons. The compilation of the Guide was undertaken by the Association’s Scientific Committee and supervised by the Department of Psychology - Read More...

By Georgina Athanasiou