Harris Kyriakides supported, amongst others, the inaugural event of the Procedural Law Unit at University of Nicosia School of Law, which took place on 18 December 2019.
The event focused on the forthcoming establishment of the School of Judges in Cyprus and aimed to invite to public consultation lawyers, judges and institutional and justice officials in Cyprus and provoke a discussion on the framework of the School of Judges and its operational objectives by submitting and studying examples and experiences of respective Schools of Judges operating in various countries abroad. Five experts from Greece, England and Wales and Ireland were invited to share their experience, namely Mrs. Ekaterini G. Betsikokou, Appeals Court Judge and lecturer at the National School of Judges of Greece, Mr. Petros Alikakos, Presiding Judge at the Court of First Instance, Mrs. Christa Christensen, Employment Judge, Director of Training for Tribunals, Judicial College, England and Wales, Mrs. Hon. Ms. Aileen Donelly, Judge of the Court of Appeal, Ireland and Mr. Dr John Sorabji, Principal Legal Advisor to the Lord Chief Justice and Master of the Rolls, Senior Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Law, UCL.
Our Partner, Dr. Nikolas Kyriakides, co-Director of the Procedural Law Unit at the University of Nicosia, during his greeting, emphasised the need for reform and continuous development of justice in Cyprus through research and dialogue. As he noted, such a development presupposes the harmonious cooperation between the Ministry of Justice, the House of Representatives, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Cyprus, the Attorney General, lawyers, academics and active citizens.
Read here the full Policy Paper on the results of the event, compiled by the Procedural Law Unit at the University of Nicosia in collaboration with our lawyers Christos Stroppos and Charis Andreou.