On 23/05/2014, Council of Ministers issued a decision regarding military service for every person who obtained a Cypriot citizenship by exception of investment. The decision states the abovementioned citizens have no obligation to attend the Cyprus Army. Although, it is required to submit a necessary letter to the Minister of Defense requesting his exemption from military service.
Any person, who became Cypriot citizen by exception of investment can submit this letter by himself on authorise his advocate to procced with the submission on his behalf. The letter should also enclose a copy of the relevant Naturalisation Certificate as well as the Council of Ministers’ letter of approval.
This procedure can also be followed by males who are at the process of obtaining Citizenship provided that:
- they are over the age of 18; The procedure shall be followed upon obtaining the Cyprus citizenship; and
- They are under the age of 18; The procedure shall be followed upon reaching the age of 18.
For any questions or comments, you may contact our Private Client (Citizenship and Residence) team at [email protected].