Harris Kyriakides
Harris Kyriakides

Training Programme 2020-2021

Posted on 8 October 2020 | 1 min read

Harris Kyriakides LLC is excited to welcome six new trainee associates for its 2020-2021 training programme.

We are happy that our trainees have successfully passed the recruitment procedure which included legal research, writing and presentation abilities, and had managed to achieve high results among many other competing candidates.

Our trainee associates graduated from reputable universities in the United Kingdom and Cyprus such as Queen Mary University London, Newcastle University, City University London, Reading University, University of Strathclyde and University of Cyprus with strong qualifications such as LLBs, MScs and LPCs, and they are fluent in Greek, English, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish, and French. Additionally, they come from diverse backgrounds and have broadened their work experience within international law firms.

The firm is committed to creating a culture of lifelong learning and promotes the establishment of relevant support mechanisms. We see our trainees as future associates, therefore we ensure suitable development resources resulting in both the individuals’ and the firm’s success.

For more information please contact our Human Resources department at [email protected]