Harris Kyriakides
Harris Kyriakides

Harris Kyriakides advises Larnaca Municipality on the Evanthia Pierides trust

Posted on 17 December 2012 | 2 mins read

Harris Kyriakides has been retained by the Larnaca Municipality to advise on the lawfulness of the proposed conversion of the old Larnaca Hospital to the new town hall of Larnaca.

The old Larnaca Hospital was referenced in the provisions of the trust set up in 1934 by Evanthia Pierides, one of the most important benefactors of Larnaca who had devoted her life on charities in aid of disadvantaged citizens of Larnaca.  In 1983, the new Larnaca Hospital commenced to operate and, thereon, the old Larnaca Hospital was abandoned, except from certain parts which re-operated a few years ago for limited medical purposes.  The total area of the old Larnaca Hospital covers approximately 13.500 m2 and the main building covers an overall area of approximately 4.000 m2 and remains a listed building. Although the Larnaca Municipality was consistently in favour of this proposed conversion of the old Larnaca Hospital to the new town hall of Larnaca, no action was taken in the last two decades, since it was believed that the provisions of the Evanthia Pierides trust prohibited any non medical use of the said building. On 10 October 2012, the Council of Ministers approved the licensing of use of the old Larnaca Hospital for its redevelopment to the Larnaca town hall and the lawfulness of the said conversion remains the major pending issue before this matter is considered as resolved.

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