The Marine and Maritime Research, Innovation, Technology Centre of Excellence (MaRITeC-X) consortium aims to create a Centre of Excellence based in Cyprus to act as an enabler of scientific and business excellence in Marine and Maritime issues in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Centre will be aligned to the overall Smart Specialization Strategy for Cyprus (S3Cy) and the European priorities on specific pillars with competitive advantages to the Cypriot economy.
The vision of MaRITeC-X project is to establish the Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute – CMMI. Focusing on key priority sectors such as maritime transport, offshore energy, maritime and coastal tourism and aquaculture, the CMMI will forge partnering relationships with well-known European institutions and businesses, active in the fields of research, technology and innovation for the Blue Economy, thus contributing to the transfer of knowledge, the development, application and dissemination of cutting-edge technologies, the exchange of best practices and the development of a critical mass of infrastructure and human capital in the Eastern Mediterranean region.
Harris Kyriakides LLC is proud to be part of this innovative project and to offer pro bono assistance to the consortium in order to fulfill its mission. As the legal representatives, we are happy to assist with start-up issues, preparation of the memorandum of association, organisational and day-to-day operating issues, contractual matters, innovative structural matters and other transactions.
For more information about this project you may visit the official website of MaRITeC-X by clicking here.