A heartfelt thank you to the organisers of THALASSA 2024, a pivotal Marine Sciences Conference held in Larnaca on May 28-29. Organised by the Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute (CMMI) and the Maritime Institute of Eastern Mediterranean (MarInEM), this conference brought together experts from over 10 countries to discuss pressing challenges and innovative solutions for marine and coastal environments in the Mediterranean.
This Christmas Harris Kyriakides proudly supports Ablebook, an application that aims to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities and vulnerable groups.
This Christmas Harris Kyriakides proudly supports Youth Makerspace Larnaka.
Harris Kyriakides supported a recent research project on the effect of artificial intelligence on the administration of justice and adjudication by the University of Oxford.
Our lawyers have been actively involved in providing pro bono services to Aradippou Basketball Club on various legal matters.
We were delighted to advise pro bono the Larnaca Tourism Board in the Elpida Project.
We are delighted to announce that, Harris Kyriakides LLC is the first company in Larnaca that has acquired a long-distance
The Marine and Maritime Research, Innovation, Technology Centre of Excellence (MaRITeC-X) consortium.
Harris Kyriakides LLC has been selected on the basis of its expertise in Environmental law within the Cyprus jurisdiction as the national contributor of the Cyprus chapter
Harris Kyriakides LLC has been engaged by Famagusta District Transport Organisation (OSEA) for advising on the pending dispute
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1 Kinyra Street, 5th floor
1102 Nicosia
115 Faneromenis Avenue,
Antouanettas Building
6031 Larnaca
12 Platonos Street,
3027 Limassol
4 Nicou Nicolaidi & Kinyra,
2nd floor, 8011 Paphos
164A Georgiou Gourounia,
1st floor, 5289 Paralimni